Submit a level bit to be featured!">show/hide credits/changelog enable joystick
toggle autoscroll
spawn lava to solid powerup
spawn liquification powerup
spawn pillar powerup
spawn slammer powerup
spawn rage powerup
spawn midas' touch powerup
spawn transparent block powerup
powerup or spawn checkpoint
- Material Design for the colors and the icons used on the blocks.
- Sean for coding most of this
- Mateo and Steven for inspiration, level ideas, and powerup ideas
- Yllie for block ideas from their Ultimate Game Creator.
- Revised by Zach.
Of commit 55:
- featured levels from Zach
Of commit 44 and 45:
- joystick for touchscreens
- gave credit to griffpatch_tutor
- worked on world generation
Of commit 43:
- bug fixes
- growing level in editor now uses current block
- autosave level when test level is clicked in editor
- more distinguishable cycled blocks
- undo/redo in editor
- confusion block that messes up controls
- + other betterifications
- added penland5's rendering engine
Of commit 41 and 42:
- added block icons to editor
- added ms paint
- player doesn't show anymore until a level is rendered
- fixed the air/solid/lava cycled blocks' textures
- recolored player to black
Of commit 40:
Of commit 39:
- autoscrolling
- spacebar doesn't scroll now
- fixed ladders (again)
- editted levels now save as a cookie
Of commit 38:
- credited yllie
- you can now teleport into lava and other uncollidables with the transparent powerup
- gravity blocks that reverse gravity
- midas touch autoactivates now
- air, solid, and lava cycle through into different blocks with same physics but different looks (i.e. invisible lava)
- text blocks now an option in level maker
- redesigned text display
- load featured level button
Of commit 37:
- credits and changelog section
- rage mode powerup - superspeed, higher jump, immunity to lava and fire (warning: collision glitches!)
- midas touch powerup - turns collidables into gold
- transparent powerup - teleports you through blocks (press s to tp down)
- fixed ladders
- recolored nojump
- topOnly interactions work underwater
- the "sun" level-bit now won't be impossible